Upcoming Events

We are dreaming up future retreats.

Sign up below for notifications on future Healing Offering Events!



Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85021154927?pwd=SU1MaHdJb0xkT0gvenlSenNkd3ZrUT09
Meeting ID: 850 2115 4927
Passcode: 104720

Coaches Christine & Rebekah will discuss VAMPIRES (the emotional kind, but if you want to discuss Twilight we are down for that too!)

As with our September Offerings, we invite you to this safe space to breathe deeply and reconnect with yourself.

We look forward to seeing you there. If there are any friends or family that would benefit from this Offering, please feel free to forward it on! There is no pressure to speak, you don’t even have to turn your camera on.

Come as you are. Rest in love. Leave anchored. We will be right there, anchoring with you.

The Healing Offering Coaches,

Christine, Dayana, Rebekah & Thai

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